The Unheard Allegations: Georgia's 2020 Election Controversy

Unraveling Georgia's 2020 Election Controversy: Alleged irregularities, and the political maneuvers that kept them from the spotlight.

August 22, 2023

In the aftermath of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, a whirlwind of lawsuits and claims emerged, challenging the results. However, amidst this cacophony, only two cases stood out as pivotal, bearing the direct involvement of then-President Donald J. Trump: The Georgia election contest and Texas v. PA. While many were led to believe that Trump's legal team was on a lawsuit spree, these two cases were the crux of the matter.

The Georgia election contest, filed on December 4, 2020, was a testament to the urgency and gravity of the allegations. Yet, in a move that raised eyebrows, Georgia courts sidestepped their own laws, failing to hear the case within the mandated 10 days. This delay, many argue, was a deliberate attempt to conceal the theft of the election. By conveniently scheduling the hearing post-January 6th, and subsequently dismissing it, the courts seemed to be making a strategic move to avoid scrutiny. Especially after the events of January 6th, it became all too convenient to label the case as moot.

The Georgia Supreme Court's decision to not rule on Trump's appeal, instead deferring to the appellate court's decision, further fueled suspicions. The appellate court's evasive maneuvers to avoid the hearing appeared to be part of a coordinated effort to silence the case.

The allegations presented in the Georgia election contest were damning. The document highlighted significant irregularities, such as the unprecedented mailing of 1,768,972 absentee ballots for the contested election, with 1,317,000 being returned. This surge in absentee ballots for the 2020 election marked a staggering 500% increase from 2016 and a 400% increase from 2018. Yet, the rejection rate of these ballots mysteriously plummeted to a mere 0.34% in 2020, from 2.9% in 2016 and 3.46% in 2018.

If Georgia had maintained its historical absentee ballot rejection rate, between 38,250 and 45,626 ballots should've been rejected. But they weren't. This sudden change in standards was alarming. Moreover, the contest alleged that Georgia permitted at least 305,701 individuals to vote who had applied for an absentee ballot more than 180 days prior to the election, a blatant violation of O.C.G.A. § 21-2-381(a)(1)(A).

Another shocking revelation was the claim that as many as 10,315 individuals who were deceased by Election Day were allowed to vote. Of these, 8,718 had reportedly died before their vote was even recorded as accepted.

The roles of the Secretary of State and the Governor in these irregularities were pivotal. Their actions, or rather the lack of them, cast a dark shadow over the integrity of Georgia's election process. The relief sought in the contest was profound: a call for a new election. Given the gravity of the allegations and the potential number of affected votes, this was a demand that could not be ignored.

Yet, despite these grave allegations, no Georgia officials faced consequences. Instead, they appeared more focused on targeting Trump for highlighting these issues. The alleged mishandling of absentee ballots, the questionable rejection rates, and the potential voting by deceased individuals all pointed to a system in chaos. Georgia's election integrity was, undeniably, on the line.

The events of 2020, from the Black Lives Matter protests to the January 6th Capitol riot, played a significant role in shaping public sentiment. These incidents, some argue, were used as tools to divert attention from election concerns and to influence decisions.

In conclusion, the allegations surrounding Georgia's 2020 election remain a contentious topic. The evidence presented in the Georgia election contest, though dismissed by the courts, raises serious questions about the transparency and fairness of the electoral process. The public deserves answers, and the integrity of democratic institutions hinges on addressing these concerns.


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