Lizzo's Weighty Influence Challenges Free Speech Boundaries

Lizzo's reaction to weight criticism raises questions about free speech. Dive into the debate surrounding body positivity and freedom of expression.

May 31, 2023

Melissa Viviane Jefferson, better known as Lizzo, the Grammy-winning artist, has been a vocal advocate for body positivity. However, her recent Twitter outburst on May 31, 2023, as covered by Billboard, reveals a concerning sensitivity to criticism about her weight. This sensitivity, while understandable in the face of relentless body-shaming comments, raises questions about the nature of free speech in the digital age.

Lizzo, the singer of "About Damn Time," has been transparent about the increasing body-shaming she's been subjected to on social media in recent months. Despite her efforts to shield herself by keeping her Twitter account private, the bullies have found a way to infiltrate her feed and mentions. The constant negativity is pushing her to the edge, making her contemplate quitting and retreating to a peaceful life with her money and her man on a farm.

However, the question arises: Is it not within the rights of individuals to express their opinions, however unpopular they may be? Some might argue that Lizzo would be more attractive if she lost weight. This is an opinion, and while it may not be palatable to all, it is protected under the constitution. The freedom to express such opinions should not be curtailed by social media companies under the guise of 'hate speech.'

Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, a Democrat serving Texas's 18th congressional district since 1995, recently introduced a "hate speech" bill. This bill, while seemingly well-intentioned, could potentially infringe upon the rights of individuals to express their opinions freely. It's a slippery slope that could lead to the suppression of free speech under the guise of protecting feelings.

Being overweight has become a new identity, akin to being Jewish, black, or LGBTQ. These identities, while valid and deserving of respect, should not be used as a shield against criticism or as a tool to exert power over others. The Democratic party, along with corporate Republicans, seem to support this trend, leading to a concerning shift in the dynamics of free speech.


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