Hezbollah Chief Hassan Nasrallah Gives Gaza Speech

The transcript from November 3, 2023, captures Hassan Nasrallah's speech addressing the Israel-Hamas conflict, expressing support for Hamas and threatening heightened tensions with Israel. Nasrallah discusses the broader geopolitical dynamics in the region, highlighting the complicated network of alliances and hostilities.

November 3, 2023

The celebration, as we celebrate  our fallen martyrs, as we gather today  to honor the memory  of our fallen martyrs.  And renew our pledge to continue onto their path. Today,  we'll honor the memory of the fallen martyrs, the martyrs of the Islamic resistance in Lebanon, Hezbollah,  the martyrs of the Lebanese factions, the martyrs Fighting and resisting again.

It's the Israeli occupation.  The fallen martyrs off Al Qassam in Lebanon. Al Quds Brigade martyrs in Lebanon,  together with all the fallen civilian martyrs who were murdered at the hands of the Zionist, including journalists,

I start by offering my deep  Deepest condolences to the families  of the fallen here in Lebanon.

We offer our condolences and the same time congratulate you as your loved ones  have won this honor, the honor of martyrdom.

Many of you have lost loved ones, a father,  a brother,  or a son,  and I pray to God Almighty to accept all our good deeds.  We offer condolences and congratulations at the same time to all the families of the fallen martyrs in in gas strip,  which bank? And on every inch where our brave martyrs have fallen, including those of Al Aqsa typhoon or Al Aqsa floods  that has extended on a number of fighting fronts.

I will not delve  much on this as we will celebrate the martyrs day in a few days time.  However, I must reiterate that those fallen martyrs  have won,  and it is sufficient to go to our holy scripture, the Quran,  to read what God Almighty said. About them, and we are entitled to take pride in them,  and  we must remain  firmly with certainty that they are rewarded with paradise with all the rewards you never envisaged her or heard of.

As God says in the Holy Scripture, those killed.  In the coast to the service of the coast of God  will be rewarded with paradise as introduced to them all believers. If you  support  and work for God's cause  you will be rewarded with victory. The same  in  Surat. Do not think those fallen to the service of Ghost of God.

are dead, yet they are alive,  joyful with what they will have been rewarded with without fear or grief,  abiding in God's blessings, that they're good deeds. We're not wasted. So our fallen martyrs are not  dead.  They are alive, not in the judgment day where all the human beings will be resurrected. No,  those fallen martyrs are now alive.

In God's paradise, do not think they are dead dead. They are alive, but you feel not them. We congratulate all the fallen martyrs, the fighters, the civilians, the aggrieved women, men.

Children,  old and young.  We congratulate them  for this massive  transition  at the presence of God.  Paradise where there is no Israeli oppression.  Or American hubris.  No killing,  no massacres,  no pogroms.  And from this firm conviction,  we congratulate them. And to their families, we say  your loved ones.  Have fallen  in a battle on the face of the Earth.

And if  we are to look  for.  A fully legitimate lawful battle  from the legal, ethical or religious perspectives.  We cannot find one, but that battle  fighting against the Zionist  occupiers. This is a seamless  battle  at the human,  ethical,  Oh, religious levels.  It is the most evident, the most honest and the most noble to  the service of the cause of God.

This what must be established in the first place.  We  also say to the relatives of the fallen martyrs. We are proud of you. We take all pride in you. We have heard  your statements of  acceptance  submission.  For the fall off your loved ones. And he lies our true strength  before the arms. Our true strength lies in our firm belief  on shaking conviction,  our devotion and commitment to the cause.

We are prepared to sacrifice.  It is Yeah.  Expressed  in the voices of the fathers, mothers,  wives and children of the fallen martyrs.  Equally enough,  we salute the  epic people, unmatched, unrivaled.

The people of Palestine, the people of Gaza.  We have seen them on TV screens,  man,  woman,  child, baby.  Crawling from underneath the rubble. Yet he cries out saying all what is lost  is to sacrifice for the sake of our homeland, for the sake of our cause.  We cannot put this into words. We cannot express their fortitude,  bravery,  patience.

and resolve.  The same applies to the residents off West Bank patients, fortitude  and resolve.

Ladies and gentlemen, today  I will address you on the main topic  in order to understand what happened and to  Make clear of our position and also  identify  the liabilities.  And taking into consideration the Lebanese affairs, which will require further details at a later point of time  at the beginning, we must also salute  all those who took to the street in support and in solidarity.

With the Palestinians  from all over the world, Arab and Muslim and Latin American countries,  the peoples of different nations,  specifically  the strong and brave Iraqi and Yemeni  arms who are now involved in this  Holy War.

Why have we reached that point? And what is the backdrop  off? What happened in October seven? Al Aqsa typhoon operation?  I will address bullet points in brief.  It must be mentioned  in order to Build up our stand.  The pain and suffering off the Palestinian people is not a secret to the whole world, and there is no  point to delve in this yet.

The recent years were harsh,  especially with this  radical,  stupid  And brutal government off Israel.  There are  four main headlines.  on the Palestinian landscape. The first  is the Palestinian detainees. Thousands of Palestinian men and women and even Children  are held behind Israeli bars, some for years.

Many are on the verge of death  and  no one is moving a finger. And with this radical government, this stupid minister made the lives of the detainees and their families is Even worse.  The second issue is  Al  and what has been  happening in the past weeks, namely the few days before Al,  these conditions were unprecedented since the occupation of Jerusalem 1967.

Third.  The unjust siege laid together for more than 20 years, almost 20 years,  more than two million people living in an open concentration camp without any person moving a finger in the whole world. The fourth one is  the recent perils and risks hovering On  the West Bank  through the expensive  Illegal  Israeli settlement under the auspices of this stupid fool government, in addition to the daily detention and demolition of home.

These are the key four headlines  that have impacted the Palestinian and the Palestinian resistance. And no one in the whole world is moving a finger. The United Nations. Security Council, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, League of Arab States, European Union, none, none of the international blocks or organizations.

On the contrary, the Palestinian cause and all what is happening in Palestine.  We're totally  forgotten.  The whole world turned a blind eye to them,  totally abandoned, totally forgotten.  In contrast,  the policies of the enemy are more ferocious, oppressive, humiliating,  therefore There must be  a big event to shake this oppressive, occupier, occupying,

usurping Zionist regime with their backers in Washington and London and to re open  these humanitarian Issues before the eyes of the whole world and to  resurface  the Palestinian cause, the just cause as the focal cause to the whole world.  Then came that glorious  jihadi operation of October 7th, Al Aqsa Typhoon.

The operation was triggered by the fighters of Aizuddin Al Qassam,  supported by the fighters of other Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza Strip. This  operation, so this is the first point in the backdrop of the event,  this glorious blessed  Large scale  operation  was 100 percent Palestinian in terms of decision and execution, 100 percent Palestinian.

Even the  the Palestinians have kept it secret, even from their fellow Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza, let alone  other resistance.  factions across the resistance axis. That element of secrecy  was a linchpin  to this emphatic success.  Of the operation. It came as a surprise, shocking surprise. Unlike what is  assumed  by many,  namely, those who would like to drive away  among us, unlike to what's been assumed by many, that type of confidentiality and secrecy adopted by al.  did not

anger us here. It was  a requirement for the success of the operation.  And this operation has no bearing on any decision or move to be taken by any other faction. Along the resistance axis,  this move taken by Hamas have stamped the true identity of the battle.  And also  Precluded all the enemies and hypocrites  to claim to raise any false claims, especially when they speak about the relations between the resistance, regional resistance factions.

At any point of time when there is a battle, they start.  To speak about the Iranian nuclear  program,  the U. S. Iran negotiations to serve the Iranian interests  or agenda in the region.  False claims.  Yet,  Al Aqsa Typhoon was 100 percent Palestinian in terms of decision and execution.  The secrecy  in which the entire operation was shrouded proves that it is a totally Palestinian cause for the sake of Palestine and the people of Palestine.

And it has no relation at all  to any international or regional  issue.  This operation also proves what we have been reiterating over the past years. Let the...  Foe and friends understand. Let it be understood by all enemies and friends  that the decisions of the resistance factions Is in the hands  of their own leader  since the Iranian revolution  from Khomeini to Khamenei  is have always been  openly  adopting and supporting resistance factions in Lebanon, Palestine and in the region.

However,  they do not exercise any form of authority or mandate on these factions. or in their command.  And what happened with Al Aqsa typhoon  proves this fact. And those who are willing to interpret what is taking place today and what's going to take place in the future, that the true decision makers are the leaders of the resistance  themselves  to the service of their top.

And true cause,  ladies and gentlemen, the third issue I would like to speak about the repercussions off  this event.  What's been happening  on the battlefield? I believe you are all closely following.

No doubt, it was a brave, heroic,  creative,  perfect,  massive  operation commended at all fronts and at all  level. What are the repercussions of this glorious  operation?  It caused a seismic shake, an earthquake  in terms of security, military  politics.  Diplomatic,  even psychological.  It has very  profound, strategic, existential  repercussions that will continue to have bearing on the presence of this Zionist entity and its future.

No matter what  the enemy's government has done over the past  days.  And no matter what they will do over the coming days,  cannot  change the impacts and repercussions of Al Aqsa typhoon strategically  and historically on this Zionist entity and the future of the conflict. Thank you. In this region,  this operation  has lifted the lids  and  uncovered  many facts.

However, speaking off the repercussions, the glorious repercussions  and effects off this glorious operation requires.  Hours, if not days. However, what's more important, it has exposed  the frailty weakness  and  Total fragility of Israel  more frail than a spider's web. I have read some reports on the Israeli media that the Israelis themselves have come now to believe,  have come to believe more than someone,  meaning myself.

The Israelis have come to believe that Israel is more frail.  Then a spider's web.  This fact was established and cemented  by Al Aqsa typhoon operation. The United States administration represented in their president, ministers,  state secretaries and even top press.  To support this shaking  entity in order to  get some  breathe, get back on its feet again,  and to restore  some.

action and to take the initiative which he has until now, and they had it to provide all forms of protection and support.  The swift response by the United States  to support  and back Israel  has proven how  failing.  Israelis from the very first days of Al Aqsa typhoon operation  against a totally besieged Gaza Strip,  the Israeli government was in a dire need for the U.S. Fleets.  Navigate to the Mediterranean for military and psychological support.  

Where is your fleet? Where is your warplanes? Where is the invincible army of Israel, the mightiest in the region? Where is all that?  The  United States hurriedly  dispatched  warplane carriers.  And other pieces off their naval fleet,  the U.S. Top press generals.  Military experts  running to the area  to open the strategic weapon depots for the Israelis. From the very first days,  Israel demanded new weapons, new missiles from the United States. From the very day, first day, Israel demanded 10 billion.

Is it a strong  state? Is it an invincible army as claimed? A  state that requires that amount  of U. S. And Western support?  Heads of state, heads of governments, defense ministers, top brass generals. Flocking from all over the world to provide  moral support. This is what Al Aqsa typhoon has caused to this frail  entity.

These are some of the profound impacts of Al Aqsa typhoon.  Operation. All these must be evaluated and analyzed in detail,  which we don't have time to yet. We must understand that all the sacrifices offered in Gaza, West Bank and at all fronts  are really worthy.  All these sacrifices,  all these achievements, outcomes and repercussions  deserve all these sacrifices simply for the reason that it paved  A way for a new slate in our conflict with the Israeli enemy.

It paved the way for many countries and nations within the region.  There was and there is  no other  option.  The other option is silence,  waiting for more oppression, more siege, more death, more killing. This was the other option. That's why we can say that the decision was wise, brave,  prudent and worthy of all these sacrifices.

The next point,  how was the enemy's response to Al Aqsa typhoon operation?  From the very first hours, it was clear that the enemy was lost,  stray.

You know, it's a separate  and, uh,  this was a perfect timing by the commander  of Alem. It seemed that they have had a long night  drunkard,  not only in Gaza envelope, but also Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.  It took them hours to come out.  They came out in historical state,  angry,  in an insane fashion.  That's why when they had it to recapture the settlement within Gaza Envelope,  they perpetrated massacres against  the Israeli settlers, not Hamas.

Now we start to hear and read reports and investigations  providing evidence that it  Who perpetrated the killing among the Israeli settlers  and in the near future, when the dust  settles, the whole world would come to know that all those killed  within Gaza envelope were killed by the Israeli army itself,  who was acting insanely.

And the wake of this big seismic event,  it seems that the successive government of Israel  do not learn the lesson,  unlike we always hear that Israel is learning the lesson. Here they are. They never learn from past lessons or experiences.  Especially their experiment or experience with the wars  against resistance factions in Lebanon and Palestine.

What is taking place today took place in the past with some differences in July, 2006  and the successive wars  with Gaza.  With at a different scale and different levels.  Among the gravest mistakes committed by the enemy in the past, and it is taking place now,  is setting high goals  that they cannot achieve.

Setting high goals they cannot reach.  They said as top goal to annihilate Hamas,  the whole of Hamas,  then speaking of toppling the government of Hamas, then  eliminating the leaders of Hamas, then the.

Military wing of Hamas  now they are claiming  to have as a top goal  to annihilate Hamas.  And when they started to wake up,  now we speak about another goal captives.

Those who have had  a long experience with different resistance factions in Palestine and Lebanon  throughout history.  Have you seen?  Any, at any point of time,  the Israelis capable of releasing their captives without negotiations? Never.  What happened in Lebanon 2006?  They declared as the goal is to annihilate.

to wipe out Hezbollah. They were backed by the United States and the whole West, including Arab States.  The goal at that time was to wipe out Hezbollah from Lebanon and to bring home the two Israeli captives.

The war extended for 33 days.  Neither Hezbollah was wiped out, nor there two captives released without negotiations.  The same thing is taking place today in Gaza, yet with a difference. And the difference is the massive pom,  the massive amount of destructions. And killing  in July war, 1, 150 houses,  11, 000 of foreign martyrs.

Yet  the resistance fighters at all fronts backed by the Lebanese people  stood their ground.  The enemy  step by  step gave up on his goals,  What's taking place in Gaza Strip today proves the stupidity  and  impotency of the Israelis.  They are wreaking killing among civilian Palestinians in Gaza.  Most of those killed are women and  children.

The majority of the victims are civilians.  Churches, mosques,  school buildings,  even hospitals  are not spared.  Everything is legitimized.  Entire neighborhoods are wiped out.  School buildings, places of worship,  and the whole world standing by watching.  Does this require an invincible army?

For a whole month,  the Israelis failed to produce a single military achievement.  And when they started the ground operation, the same scenario of July war in Lebanon,  the random shelling, displacement of citizens  and the killing.  And the falling off thousands of martyrs.  Could not bring the resistance to their knees.

Then  at that time, the Israelis started their ground operation and to  them, our fighters stood up to them  and the whole battle was followed  by the whole world.  The same thing is repeated in Gaza. The  Israelis are trying again.  To launch  a ground operation in order  to sell to the whole world that they are launching  a large scale ground operation.

Even the limited moves taken by them were met by the bravery  of the Palestinian resistance.  We have all watched this resistance fighter  approaching.  And placing  the explosive on the top of the tank.  How do you think the Israeli troops will be able to fight among those brave fighters?  Nothing but confusion.

Feel  and frailty.  What the Israelis are good at over the past 75 years is nothing but perpetrating pogroms,  massacres  with the aim of  exercising pressure on the leaders of the resistance.  To wave the white flag on. I believe the scenes we have been witnessing every day, every hour, every minute  women Men, children crawling from underneath the rebel, rebel,  crying out and saying,  we are holding our ground.

We are standing tall.  The end of this battle will be nothing but your defeat  by killing innocent civilians. You will not achieve anything.

All what's taking place in Gaza Strip seen by the whole world reveals.  And proves once again  the brutal, barbaric nature off the Zionist regime off Israel. The  usurping occupying force  that was planted in our region in Palestine. On the grounds of the ill fated  Balfour Declaration  to feed on wars in the region,

starting Palestine and the Palestinian people, followed by The Egyptians, Lebanese and all the peoples off the region.  After all these long years  as they tried  to convince  the whole world that this  entity is a state off rule of law, humanity,  democracy, Gaza, Gaza,  This is all proven false. We have witnessed victims, men and women, innocent civilians, the children of Gaza  have  unmasked  the truth of this barbaric regime.

Yeah, backed by the Western media  who are trying to convince our peoples to remain silent or even normalize with the Zionist  entity.  This also reveals  the direct responsibility and liability of the United States. Also,  the U. S. Hypocrisy from day one. Biden claims that To have spoken to the Israel is about human humanitarian issues, civilians,  all false claims For a month,  Gaza and the Gazen have been reeling under the brunt of barbaric, ferocious, brutal, ruthless, merciless.

bombardment.  They falsely claimed that Hamas beheaded babies and they failed to produce a single piece of evidence. Yet they remain silent  among against the images off thousands of babies and Children torn apart.  In Gaza as a result of the Israeli missiles. Now all exposed  the whole West claiming and preaching about democracy, humanity, rule of law.

It's nothing but hypocrisy.  It is a lynch law. We are living in a jungle. We all must The United States established this fact. The United States is totally responsible for the war raging in Gaza  against unarmed defenseless people. It is the United States that  vetoes condemnation of Israel in the Security Council to the United States that stands on the way of a ceasefire in Gaza.

It is the United States proving once again that  As described by Khomeini, it is  the greatest Satan, the great  devil  from Hiroshima to Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. Palestine,  the United States must be held liable  and then penalized for all what has been what it has been perpetrating against our people and the peoples of the region.

And there comes the decision by the Islamic resistance movement in Iraq.  To launch offenses against the American bases in Iraq and Syria,  considering that the United States  is  controlling the war in Gaza, and it is the United States that must pay the price for the crimes perpetrated by the Israelis in Gaza and by the Americans in Iraq  and Syria.

Thank you. Elsewhere, it is a wise decision by the resistance fighters in Iraq,  prudent, blessed,  blissful  And why is decision yesterday? Also, we heard about  new measures  against the occupied Palestinian territories, and this will be revealed on the coming days and hours. And here we salute all those  noble men.

Men,  noble fighters who are lending a helping hand to their fellow resistance fighters.  Ladies and gentlemen,  it is the duty of every free nobleman  in this world. To  establish and reiterate these facts in the public opinion warfare led by the Western media that is falsifying and misinforming the public.

We started to see the public opinion  shifting.  As the whole world witness women, defenseless women and Children torn apart.  This is the least we can do  in this battle, the battle  of right against false.  The battle again is ferocious, brutality and barbarism represented by the United States and Israel  supporting Gaza and the GAAN is the least he humane requirement.

Those who  took out to the street in support to rally.  Those who donate,  let alone those who fight  are under that duty towards Gaza and Gazans.  Those who remain silent must  reconsider about their faith if they claim to be religious and their honor. If they claim to be honorable, each and everyone, all in each must live up to his own responsibility.

Speaking of which,  in 1948, when the whole world abandoned the Palestinian people, this Zionist entity came to existence  and pushed.  And the people of Palestine and the peoples of the region have paid the price of the establishment of this Zionist regime.  Not only the Palestinians, the Egyptians, the Syrians, the  Jordanians, Lebanese  have also paid the price.

Lebanon has taken a bigger toll.  As a result of the existence of this usurping occupying Zionist regime, this is an established fact. And again, today,  what is taking place in Gaza is not a war like the others.  It is not a battle like those of the past. It is not an event like those of the past. It is a decisive battle, historical one.

What is after this battle is never like what is before. This dictates that each and one  shoulders his own responsibility. Speaking of which,  we must set  the near term goals which we should all work to achieve the first.  The first goal we should  work for day and night is to end  the war on Gaza.  The second one  is to enable Gaza,  the resistance fight in Gaza and particularly Hamas to triumph.

These are the two short term goals.

we should not lose sight of these two goals. The first  to seize the wall, seize the aggression,  the on the grounds of humanitarian, ethical, religious, lawful, GR  grounds,  which are  unquestionable. The second one.  It is to the interest of everyone. It is to the interest of the Palestinian in the first place.

It is to the interest also  as  some are misinforming the public. Some are claiming that if Gaza  Triumph means that Iran will triumph.  If Gaza  triumphs, it means that Muslim Brotherhood will triumph. This is false. The victory of Gaza means the victory of the Palestinian people, the victory of the Palestinian detainees, the Church of Holy Sepulchre, as well as Al Aqsa Mosque.

It is a triumph. To all the peoples off the region.  There is no time to delve in details, yet it is sufficient to indicate that the victory off  Gaza is to the interest off  Egypt. It is to the interest off

Jordan. It is to the interest of Syria. And before all that, it is a national patriotic interest of Lebanon.  And I believe this has been demonstrated enough over the past days.  If the opposite, what if Israel triumphs?  What if resistance is defeated? What are the repercussions of the regional states  on Palestine and on Lebanon in terms of security,  politics, grassroots, popular level and demographic level  Now?

Israel is throwing threats to Lebanon and the Lebanese people.  They are sinking in Gazan sands,  yet  darting threats against Lebanon and Lebanese  using what  the bloods off Gazan women and Children  by the destruction off mosques and churches in Gaza.

Speaking off responsibility, it is the responsibility off every free nobleman in this world. Everyone, all in each should  shoulder his own Arab and Muslim states must spare no effort to at least put an end to it. To the war.  If you are prevented from acting, listen to your religion, your conscience, your values.

You should all work for the top prime goal to end condemnation statement are not enough civil relations.  Recall ambassadors  we cannot condemn at the same time. Supply gas, oil and food supplies to Israel.  Regretfully enough in the past wars,  the Arab and Muslim states calling for  cutting off oil supplies to the United States.

Now we are calling on the Arab and  Muslim states to cut off oil and gas and food supplies from Israel.  Stop your exports to Israel.  I have read some  reports coming from Israel, satirically  saying that 22  Arab And Muslim states cannot  deliver a single truck off supplies to Gaza or allows the departure of a single patient.

Look how weak,  impotent we are.  Gazans are telling the whole Arab and Muslim countries.  We are not asking. for your arms, weapons or fighters. But do you not have the least of honor or dignity to deliver some aids?  Presidents, scholars, ministers, many high level and top notch officials. Aren't  they capable of going?

themselves  staging sit in  on the border line with Gaza.  They can. They can turn the border line as a platform to address the whole world here.  I do not wish to  label others as traitors or whatever yet.  We should not fall in despair. We should continue to call on our brothers. We should continue to place responsibility on the responsible,  hoping at a point of time, the whole humanity will listen to the sound of reason.

And their conscience may wake up

the Islamic resistance in Iraq started to shoulder its responsibility towards what's going on. They announced that they are going to engage  into new measures. Our honorable brothers in Yemen,  Ansarullah, the Yemeni people, the Yemeni army, the patient  Brave.  Yemeni people  against all the threats, Western and American,  took a number of initiatives,  launched drones and missiles,  even if dropped at the end of the day, they will reach and they will hit their targets.

They will reach Eilat. The south of Palestine, the Israeli army bases to the south of Israel. We salute our fellow resistance fighters yet on our Lebanese front.

Some claim that we are about to engage  in the war.  I am telling you, we have been engaged in this battle since October

the eighth. We have been in this battle since October the eighth.

The Islamic resistance in Lebanon started  operation the very next day.  After Al Aqsa typhoon, we had no knowledge. Honestly speaking, like any other party of the world, we moved into a second phase. The very following day, operations were launched from Shaba farms and the other Surrounding health, then extended  all across the border line with the occupied Palestine.

You have and are still closely monitoring the details about the daily operations.

What's taking place on our front is very important  and significant.  Those who claim that Hezbollah should  engage swiftly on an all out war  With the enemy, my see what's taking place on the border  as minimal.  But if we look at what's taking place on our border objectively,  we will find it  sizable. Yet I assure you this will not be the end.

This will not be sufficient.

What's taking place on our Lebanese front?  It is, on one hand, unprecedented since 1948, the creation of this Zionist entity  and the presence of Israeli posts on our borders.  And since the  illegal  occupation settlements  on the north of the occupied Palestine,  on the border line with Lebanon.  Since October 8th, what's taking place since then is unprecedented since then that all the Israeli positions  from  the sea to the heights of Shabaa Farms and Kafer Shub took  Real under daily offensive operations, intensified operations  targeting these posts and what's in between  tanks, armored vehicles, drones.

Clusters off personnel  and above all  technical installations, which are the eyes and ears of Israel. Since October eight,  the resistance in Lebanon is engaged in a true Genuine battle  that can only be felt by those on the southern border life. It is a true battle,  different  from all those in the past,  separate from all those engaged by Lebanon, be it 2002 or 2006,  totally distinct  And different  battle in terms of tools,  tactics, strategies, weapons, tools, and even targets.

That a living proof to this fact  is the number of our fallen martyrs.  Who opted to remain on the forefront  on Saturday  the seventh, immediately after Aksa Typhoon operation.

The Israeli army started to  bring back or retreat regular personnel from the borderline. Let me explain. What are the achievements when we speak about falling martyrs on the Lebanese front, almost  57 fum mortars,  including those of the Lebanese  brigades.  Together with the fallen martyrs from Al Qassam and Saray Al Quds brigades in Lebanon,  let alone the civilians,  that number and  that blood,  we should know what's been achieved in order to know how to move forward.

On the borderline from October 7th, the Israeli enemy started to pull out.  Personnel from  the borderline with Lebanon. Total moral collapse cycle.  for Gaza and Gaza Strip that has been besieged for almost 20 years. Very limited space.  The Israeli army pulled out  army personnel from West Bank, North Occupied Palestine  and called them all towards the Gaza front.

At the same time, they recall or called the reservists. The

operation that started that  started to escalate  up to that off yesterday. And all these operations  force the Israeli enemy  to maintain their personnel on the border lines with Lebanon, if not  deploy  further reinforcement.  Adding to that,  the elite task force that was supposed to head towards Gaza front, they are now deployed on the Lebanese front.

Borderline.  This means our operations on the borderline forced the Israeli enemy  to concentrate  their personnel and forces and equipment on our borders,  which was supposed to deploy to Gaza. Some might claim that we are taking an adventure or gambling.  Yet it is worthy.  Please,  you just imagine if we  restrict our action to a rhetoric.

Statements of condemnation.  Then there's really enemy will deploy all its force towards Gaza.  Now I have very exact figures off the total number of Israeli personnel.  There are  units,  machinery, equipment, weapons,  yet  I requested for a brief, easy to understand pieces of information. The Lebanese front  is now forced the Israelis to mass  one third of their entire army  on our border line.

This is number one.

The majority of this,  uh,  forces are the elite task force and regular personnel. Second have of the Israeli naval capabilities are now anchor, anchored in opposite hyphen third. One  for one. One quarter of the Air Force is dedicated to Lebanon.  Half  of the air defenses, the Iron Dome, etcetera.  Half of it, almost half of the  air defenses is deployed  around Lebanon.

One third of their own logistics.  Six were deployed to Lebanon. These are valid,  accurate, exact numbers.  I'm giving you easy to understand figures.  Secondly,  the displacement of tens of thousands of illegal settlers and evacuations of tens thousands. Others Bismarck.

43 illegal settlements were evacuated,  and what is left now nothing but army personnel. No more civilians  in the south opposite Gaza, 58 illegal settlements were evacuated. All those evacuated from the south and north.  Represent massive pressure economically, psychologically  and socially. And this will be a pressuring factor.

A third issue, which is, uh, of no less importance  that the operations on the Lebanese Shaba  farms  have given rise to a state of  fear  panic among the Israeli leadership, political and military, similarly to the Americans, which we will talk about later.  This  concern or fear  that  further escalation or an all out war  will exacerbate on this front  or  They fear that the northern occupied Palestine front, the Israeli army will fall.

Into an all out war. This is a very likely possibility.  The Israelis are taking this into consideration, and it is part of their calculations. And this is reflected in all the rhetoric and statements  made by the American European Commission. And even some Arab  heads of state,  that state of uncertainty,  fear.

panic  among the leaders of the enemy serve in two purposes.  One, it causes our enemy to calculate their moves towards Lebanon. And here we speak about deterrence. We speak about genuine fear on the part of Israel.  If only one single operation against an Israeli post or an Israeli tank or a cluster of personnel on the borderline,  they wouldn't have taken the brunt.

Yet  today, the Israelis are  taking all these blows.  Adjusting and calculating their moves very meticulously, simply for fear of the future.  So I reiterate our presence on the front, our operations and readiness, our daily operations on the front  cause our enemy to remain  fearful.  Hesitant  on in panic.  We have heard many statements from their ministers  speaking about  banking upon the entire support provided by the U.

S. And West to wage a war on Lebanon. I assure you  to the enemy. We say if you think to assault  Lebanon or take  preemptive strike against Lebanon. It will be the biggest act of fullness in the history of your existence.

They think the Lebanese would fear of what  they are witnessing taking place in Gaza. We have  seen this  since 1948 from Ghana to Sabra and Shatila.  On the contrary, the scenes we see in Gaza  will turn us more resolved, more faithful to remain steadfast,  defiant in resistance and not to back or fall to our knees, no matter what the price is.

The  second. Most important issue  through this state of panic and uncertainty,  the enemy must calculate their moves  while acting in Gaza, and they are.  These are some of the results off our operations in the south  of Lebanon.

Let alone the amount of material and human losses  suffered by the enemy over the past weeks,  these operations in the south,  the blood of our fallen martyrs  and the sacrifices by the fellow fighters  and our honest, noble men.  Who remain  in the south or those who are  temporarily  displaced, they are all sacrificing to this battle that is worthy  of each sacrifice.

It is an expression of our solidarity and support to Gaza and the Gaza  by the noble blood of the fallen martyrs by Standing  steadfast. We are doing all what we can to alleviate and lessen the pressure on them  as the enemy is acting insanely militarily and politically.  Here we come to the most important point.

Let  the  world know  for weeks communication  pressures. Even from day one,  if you start any operation on a few open up front in the south,  all these American fleets have come for you. You will be shelled by the U. S. War planes.  This was  been told.  To us on October 8th,  and in some details, when some Palestinian  resistance fighters infiltrated from Lebanon  following the first operation by them, will received a threat that the US War planes will  bombard Lebanon.

I assure you many.  Resistance fighter have infiltrated and many will continue to infiltrate  the threats we receive will not change our position.  Before we started our operation on that front  and  the future of this front,  any escalation and any development of  whatever nature are  hinges  are hinge  on two things.

Nothing more the development of.  Events in Gaza. It is the first factor. The development off events in Gaza. That's why this front  will devolve  according to the nature of development in Gaza. And what is required? The second factor That is in play is  the conduct and the demeanor of the Zionist enemy towards Lebanon.

And here, once again, I warn you not to go further as many civilians have fallen as martyrs.  And this will bring us to the same equation, a civilian for a civilian.  Again, the demeanors of the enemy against Lebanon will be a factor in play. I am speaking openly, candidly, and at the same time  with ambiguity, constructive ambiguity.

All  scenarios are open.  All scenarios are open on our Lebanese southern front.

I reiterate all scenarios are open.  All options are laid out. and we can adopt any at any point of time.

We all together must be prepared, ready and available to all these scenarios and options to come

to the Americans. The United States administration, I say, darting your threats on Lebanon and resistance.  In the region is pointless,  not the resistance movement or the resistance countries.  It has reached a point that we received a message that if you continue to launch operations in the south, it will not only bombard the Lebanon, but with also bombard Iran.

Can you imagine? To the Americans, I say darting your threats on us in Lebanon will be pointless. Your naval fleets in the Mediterranean will not and cannot  cause us to fear

to you. I openly and candidly say that your fleets that you are using as a threat. We have prepared for them what it takes.

You you The Americans  remember your defeats in Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan  on your humiliating withdrawal from  Afghanistan.  Those who defeated you in Lebanon at the early eighties  are still Still alive,  backed and supported by their Children and grandchildren,

the U. S. And Western politics  are  calling for steering away from escalation.  This  cannot be achieved by threats.  Again, it's honest, noble resistance fighters defending the defense defenseless.  The only course is to end the war on Gaza. Here it  is. Israel, your servant,  you, the Americans  are capable of ending the aggression on Gaza because it is you that you started.

If you wish to steer away from a regional war, you must hurriedly act towards ending the aggression on Gaza. You the Americans are  fully aware if an all out war is broken,  your fleet will be of no good. Your aerial warplanes.  will be pointless.  You will pay a heavy price by your interests, your fleet and your personnel.

Now, today,  the whole world  in the name of these spilled  bloods.  In the name of the defenseless civilians, in the name of churches, mosques and hospitals, in the name of humanity, in the name of human values.  Virtues.  The whole world is required to act genuinely  and swiftly  to end the Israeli aggression on gas,

as the horizon is looming to our Palestinian  fellow, Palestinian people and resistance fighter, I say.

Since the creation of the resistance fighter following the creation of the Israeli Zionist regime, we have been fighting a war of fortitude. We haven't reached  a knockout victory. We still need time to be more realistic.  We are winning victory by points, not  Knock out  victory. This is what happened in 2000 2002 in 2006  in Lebanon.

And this is what happened. by the Gazans and similarly by the resistance fighter in West Bank, Iraq and Afghanistan.  Fortitude,  patience,  bravery.  This is what we have, and this is our strength. That is what the enemy lacks. This is what the enemy wants. People, victims crawl from underneath the rubble and say we all sacrifice to the service of the cause.

Do you believe that this  is really people that were collected from the corners of the world of diaspora?  Have you ever heard any of them saying that my blood, my beloved ones on my home?  Can be sacrificed for Israel.  None.  We should remain standing fast in resolve and fortitude to prevent the enemy from achieving its targets.

We should all now work together to end the war and aggression on Gaza. Then we act for the resistance in Gaza to prevail.  First of all,  based on our firm conviction of the divine promise given to us by Almighty the Omnipotent Allah, that we will win victory.  This is a promise, a divine promise.  Given by Almighty Allah, the omnipotent, no matter what the sacrifice is,  yet we should be deservedly worthy of it.

And this is proven by our sacrifices. And our blood and personally speaking and based on my personal experience with his  family  who repeated more than one occasion that we all  firmly believe  in this divine promise. Gaza will triumph. Palestine will triumph. Palestine will prevail.  He himself  repeated the same words to us in July war when there was no victory looming in the  horizon and to our fellow brothers in Gaza, despite  all he The sacrifice to all the Palestinian people, all the resistance peoples off the region,  all  those  whose hearts are shaking.

By the blood of the Children of Gaza, our unity,  patience, fortitude and sacrifice we offer in blood to the service of the cause of God will be rewarded by nothing but emphatic victory.  Today, as we honor and celebrate  the memory of the fallen martyrs.  We will meet soon to celebrate the victory of Gaza and the Gaan and resistance fighters in Gaza and make God's peace and blessings be upon you all.


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